Easy to use
Miltary grade security
One click automation
There are over 16,000 DApps across 400+ block chains with over 100s of new DApps launching every week. There are exciting communities to be part, fun quests to engage in and the opportunity to win rewards from new DApps. But who has the time to chase them all? Introducing DropMate!
Your to-do guide
Get started by qualifying for your first airdrop
Curated by Experts & Degens
Safe & Sound On-chain Quests
DropMate supports automated quests for a multitude of whitelisted DApps, making your airdrop claiming journey 10x easier and your on-chain presence safe!
The ARB Drop
Airdrops handed out almost $2 billion worth of ARB tokens to Arbitrum projects and community members—a whopping sum.
The BLUR Drop
Blur, the upstart Ethereum NFT marketplace, doled out $818 million worth of tokens to users in 2023.
The JITO Drop
The top Solana airdrop of 2023, Jito dropped 90 million JTO tokens, grabbing $225 million worth in the first day.
Feeling the FOMO? No sweat, 2024 is the year of new DApps. Let DropMate get to work for you. FOMO no more!
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